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1517 Days 7 Hours 07 Minutes 18 Seconds

cover image s4np

»Future Voices/Zukunftsmusik« invites people from all over the world to give voice to what they expect, hope, or fear for the future. Their contributions flow into a generative sound stream composed from these individual »Future Voices«; voices that would otherwise remain unheard within an attention economy that favours loudness, provocation, and conspiracy theories. We, the Society for Non-Trivial Pursuits (S4NTP), believe these voices have constructive things to say, and through our project we try to channel the power of a collective and diverse sonic stream of consciousness. 

This project was commissioned by Deutschlandfunk Kultur / Klangkunst, ORF Kunstradio, and CTM Festival. It is created and will be expanded by The Society For Non-Trivial Pursuits (S4NTP), which is affiliated to the Class for Generative Arts / Computational Art at Berlin Arts University UdK.

FutureVoices is being created and will be expanded by the Society for Non-Trivial Pursuits (S4NTP). 

Its members for this project include:

Adel Akram Alameddine, Vinzenz Aubry, Valentina Berthelon, Alberto de Campo, Özcan Ertek, Pedro Ferreira, Juan Pablo Gaviria Bedoya, Bruno Gola, Isak Han, Hannes Hoelzl, HyungJoong Kim, Yun Chu Liang, André Martins, Sujay Mukherjee, Sangwon Nam, Carlos Andres Ortega, Cagil Ozdemir, Marcel Schwittlick, Ilija Šorševiç, Lisa Maria Steppacher, MengXuan Sun, Fang Tsai, ChunLi Wang, Anne Wellmer, Tsingyun Zhang.